As members of the Body of Christ, we all have unique gifts, skills, and abilities that are intended to be used to serve and glorify God (Romans 12:6-8). Serving also helps fulfill one of the core areas of our DISCIPLESHIP BLUEPRINT: SHARE LIFE. To begin serving at Calvary Chapel please submit the "I Want to Serve" form below. Read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below for additional information.

Volunteer FAQs
How do I volunteer?
Pick up an application packet from the Information Counter or the Church Office, complete, and return. You will then be contacted about completing our volunteer training requirements. To note, attending Calvary Chapel Cheyenne for a minimum of six months is required before beginning to serve as a volunteer, however In the meantime you can begin the application process!
What other training is required?
The volunteer training includes the completion of online child safety training, a review of our church's volunteer policies, and an interview.
Will I need to complete a background check?
All Calvary Chapel Cheyenne volunteers are required to complete a background check before serving in any of our ministries. This background check is good for two years and Calvary Chapel Cheyenne covers the cost. The background check is part of the Volunteer Application packet that you pick up from the Information Counter or the Church Office.
How often can I serve?
You may serve as frequently as you'd like and will be able to sign up for the days and times that work best for you.